vrijdag 1 april 2011

Haul/Souvenirs from China


Finally the long awaited souvenirs from china that I promised to show you guys!!

This is everything my mom bought me in China,
Xie xie mom :D

First are the fake eyelashes:

A pair of criss cross lashes 

 Another criss cross lashes pair
I've never tried the criss cross eyelashes. So I wanted to try it out.
I heard good things about criss cross lashes ^^ 


2 different packs of 10 natural eyelashes pairs
Btw these chubby fingers are from my little cousin, he wanted me to take a pic of him, haha cute

A pack of 10 dramatic eyelashes pairs

And of course some glue for the eyelashes

I'm really happy with the eyelashes, they're really cheap in China! 
I still remember the first time I bought eyelashes was on an asian internet site
I bought them for like 10 euro for a pack of 10 pairs.
And then I saw these EXACT same eyelashes packs I bought in a store in China for like only 3 euro or something(can't really remember anymore...) Huge difference right?!?!

A lot of thin elastics! Hehehe they always break after I used it for only 1x.
And China is cheap to the max so why not buy a bunch of it! : D

And lastly some bobby pins

I want to post a lot more stuff but I'm going to wait for my new camera 
So i can take more high quality pics!!
I cant wait~

xx Iris

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