woensdag 25 mei 2011


This is Iris again!~ 
As you can see, we (Eva and I) don't post a lot on the blog.. >.<
School is being a bish to us and we are kind of lazyy
But I will try to post more frequently!
I'm going to make a list of the things I will blog about!
And the goal is to finish the whole list before summer vacation starts!

List of things I'm going to blog about:
- Review/haul Mexyshop
- Review circle lenses
- China trip

Okayy I'm having a really big brain fart right now.... so I will work on the list later. Sorry ! ! 

By the way... my friend mentioned me that she only sees pics of Eva.
I'm a bit shy about my appearance... But I can't keep hiding myself right???
Sooo I will show you a pic of me:

Oh and also here's a quick pic of my outfit of when I went to Eva's house
to work on a school project together.


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