vrijdag 18 februari 2011

The mystery has been solved!

Helloo everyone Iris here~

The mystery has been solved!!!
I finally know the name of the guy from my last post!
His name is Ajoo and he is a kpop singer.
He isn't as famous as 2pm or be2st.
But he did release 3 albums!
And when he just debuted,
People called him girly man!

Ajoo first:

Ajoo after cutting hair, working out etc:

He looks so much better now!

But enough about him!
Today my mom came back from china!
And she brought some souvenirs for me!! 8D
I will show them later because I'm too tired to show them now
I just came back from work and I did not take any pictures yet
My camera is too crappy to make any good quality pictures at night.
Please pleaseee! Let my wish of getting a new camera for my b-day come true!!
 Btw, does someone know a good camera?
 Like one where you can see yourself if you're trying to camwhore

Okay I really want to sleep now. I'll post pic of the souvenirs soon!

Hehehe sorry I just had to show this zoomed in picture of his sixpack.
Now I'm sure I will sleep well. hahaha

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